kennel cough | itchy dry skin | digestion
YES! Mānuka Honey for dogs is very beneficial
Used commonly for for swimmers ear, itchy skin, wounds, oral health and digestion, as well as making healthy homemade dog treats. Because it is 100% natural, Manuka Honey can be applied to wounds without fear of causing nasty side effects when licked off. Support your pets immunity and wellness with Raw Manuka Honey.
When it comes to honey dogs are definitely lovers! Mānuka Honey is the best option as both a baking ingredient and a sweet reward off the spoon for your pup. Try using Manuka Honey for dogs in dog biscuits, pupcakes and adding to their meals for a dose of methylglyoxal. The Best Mānuka Honey for dogs when making homemade treats is the Steens® Anytime Collection.

Is honey ok for dogs when feeding it to them straight off the spoon? Absolutely! In small quantities, Manuka Honey can provide a delicious, nutritious treat that boasts high levels of antioxidants and a sticky texture that can coat your pups throat when coughing. Polyphenols are a form of antioxidant, and one that Manuka Honey is rich in. For pets, as with humans, the more free radicals they can fight naturally, the better for their immune system and ultimately their health. The best Mānuka Honey for dogs immunity is the Steens® Daily Collection.
MANUKA HONEY FOR DOGS itchy skin and wounds
Mānuka Honey for dogs is commonly used by pet owners for anything from swimmers ear, itchy dry skin, soothing irritated paws, and any cuts or abrasions they might have either post operation or just every day rough and tumble. The naturally occurring antibacterial properties of Raw Mānuka Honey can help to fight off infections, and help your pup to get back to good health. The best Manuka Honey for dogs itchy skin and wounds is the Steens® Targeted Collection.

Because animals can't talk to us, we often have to look for signs that they may be unwell, or trust that we are feeling them the best food and supplements for their health and comfort. Thanks to its prebiotic properties, Manuka Honey for dogs can help to support their digestive system, and a healthy digestive system will allow them to absorb all the crucial nutrients they need to stay healthy. The best Mānuka Honey for Dogs Digestion is the Steens® Targeted Collection.
I purchased this brand of Manuka Honey upon recommendation of my friend. She rescued an older pit bull with a need for good dental care. Being older, he couldn’t manage going in for a dental with a vet. She began brushing her dog’s teeth regularly with Manuka with amazing results. Within a month the tarter was gone and after a year his dental condition’s improved so dramatically that she’s using it for all her dogs now.
- Eto, USA
Miracle Gold
I find it easy to use my pups. They love the taste and their teeth look great.(really saves money too as I can have their dental cleanings fewer and farther between)
- Eto, USA
Thank you so much for this very fast post out. It's for my little chihuahua - after having 22 teeth out. Vets meds are doing nothing so I'm hoping this Manuka Honey can help her.
- Anita, USA